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Car Accidents

Summer Driving Distractions That Could Cause a Dangerous Crash

Posted on behalf of Schmidt Kramer on June 22, 2022 in Car Accidents

While high gas prices may lead to more people flying to their vacation destination, many people will still be hitting the road this summer. While many people will safely reach their destination, others could end up in dangerous collisions that could lead to significant property damage and injury. Many people you share the road with […]

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What Car Insurance Companies Will Not Tell You After a Car Crash

Posted on behalf of Schmidt Kramer on June 03, 2022 in Car Accidents

Car insurance companies tell crash victims a lot of things about their claims and the legal process. The thing to remember is the insurance company has its own interests and they do not align with yours. The things they are telling you are meant to serve their interests. When an insurance company representative tells you […]

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Seeking Compensation for Damages Caused by a Tire Blowout Crash

Posted on behalf of Schmidt Kramer on May 31, 2022 in Car Accidents

Many drivers do not properly maintain their vehicles. For example, even if they notice one or more of their tires are underinflated, they often do not add more air on their own. They often wait until the next time they bring their vehicle in for service to address the problem. If the tires on a […]

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Can You Use Your PIP Benefits if You Were Driving a Borrowed Car?

Posted on behalf of Schmidt Kramer on May 27, 2022 in Car Accidents

Sometimes people need to borrow someone else’s car, such as if their car is being serviced or repaired. However, people often do not consider insurance coverage for crashes that occur while they are driving someone else’s car. This issue is particularly important in Pennsylvania, as we are a no-fault state and drivers are required to […]

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How Refusing Medical Treatment May Affect the Value of Your Claim

Posted on behalf of Schmidt Kramer on May 24, 2022 in Car Accidents

Sometimes car crash victims refuse medical treatment at the scene, thinking they are uninjured or only have minor injuries that do not require medical attention. While there are many mistakes injury victims can make that would hurt their chances of recovering compensation, this is one of the biggest. Our licensed attorneys in Harrisburg discuss the […]

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U.S. roads were much deadlier for pedestrians in 2021, as pedestrian deaths hit a 40-year high. Last year, a total of 7,485 pedestrians were killed, an 11.5 percent increase compared to 2020, according to projections by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA). Pedestrian deaths also increased in Pennsylvania last year compared to 2020. There was […]

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Why Crash Victims Should Take Steps to Protect Their Credibility

Posted on behalf of Schmidt Kramer on May 03, 2022 in Car Accidents

There are many things that factor into the success of a claim for compensation for car crash damages. One of the most important factors is the credibility of the crash victim. If the victim’s credibility is called into question, the insurance company may fight hard to avoid paying out on the claim. Unfortunately, many crash […]

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The insurance company is probably not going to be happy about a jury awarding compensation to a crash victim. While every case is different, sometimes juries award full compensation to the victim. This may mean a settlement for the insurance policy limit, or potentially more than the insurance policy limit. It is important to note […]

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Who May Be Liable for a Red-Light Crash in Pennsylvania?

Posted on behalf of Schmidt Kramer on April 25, 2022 in Car Accidents

Red-light crashes are incredibly dangerous because drivers who have the right of way expect other drivers to stop at a red light. When they do not stop, they can hit unsuspecting motorists and cause them to suffer severe or even life-threatening injuries. Usually, the driver who runs the red light is found liable for damages […]

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What Can Crash Victims Do if the Liable Driver Lies About the Accident?

Posted on behalf of Schmidt Kramer on April 21, 2022 in Car Accidents

The state of Pennsylvania is a no-fault state. In the event of a crash, all parties involved often recover compensation from their own insurance policies regardless of who was at fault. However, no one is absolved from liability. Establishing fault is important if the crash caused serious injury. You may be able to seek compensation […]

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