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Car Accidents

April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, a time to remind people of the dangers of distracted driving and discourage this dangerous behavior. While distracted driving has been a growing problem for years, there is some good news. Government data shows there was a six percent decrease in distracted driving citations in Pennsylvania (PA) in […]

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Determining Fault for a Multi-Car Crash in Pennsylvania

Posted on behalf of Schmidt Kramer on April 07, 2022 in Car Accidents

Many car crashes involve only two vehicles, and the driver of one of the vehicles is at fault. There are also some car crashes involving three or more vehicles and liability is often shared among the drivers involved. These incidents are also known as chain-reaction crashes, as there is often one collision between two vehicles […]

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It could be tough to establish who is at fault for a failure to yield crash because conclusions about these crashes are often based on testimony from both drivers. One driver may lie about what happened or both driver’s stories may have significant differences. Below, we discuss liability for failure to yield auto accidents in […]

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Evidence for Proving the At-Fault Driver was Asleep or Drowsy

Posted on behalf of Schmidt Kramer on March 18, 2022 in Car Accidents

Many Americans have adopted a lot of unhealthy habits. For example, many of us do not get nearly enough sleep, which means many of us are going through the day with a significant sleep deficit. While lack of sleep has serious consequences for your health, it can also affect others. Working in a dangerous job […]

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Car crashes are one of the most common causes of spinal cord injuries. Since most crashes are caused by driver negligence, there have been countless injury claims filed over car crash spinal cord injuries. You may think it would be helpful to determine the average value of these types of claims if you are trying […]

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Why a ‘Minor’ Car Crash Could be More Significant Than You Realize

Posted on behalf of Schmidt Kramer on March 01, 2022 in Car Accidents

We make assumptions about things on an almost daily basis. While some assumptions are relatively harmless, others could be quite harmful. For example, assumptions about the seriousness of an injury following a car crash could be dangerous. Sometimes crash victims downplay the seriousness of an injury or the pain they feel, only to later discover […]

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Wrist and Hand Injuries That Could Be Caused by an Auto Accident

Posted on behalf of Schmidt Kramer on February 28, 2022 in Car Accidents

Car crashes put you at risk for a variety of injuries, depending on how the crash happens and how your body is affected. If your hands or wrists hit something or get stretched too far, you could suffer various injuries that could affect you for a long time. While these types of injuries may be […]

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Can Parents be Held Liable for a Crash Caused by Their Teenage Child?

Posted on behalf of Schmidt Kramer on February 18, 2022 in Car Accidents

Teenage drivers cause a lot of auto accidents each year, and not just because they often engage in extremely reckless behavior, like texting or posting to social media while they are behind the wheel. Teenagers are inexperienced and do not always make the best decisions because of that lack of experience. When a teenager causes […]

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Avoiding Line-of-Sight Car Crashes in Pennsylvania

Posted on behalf of Schmidt Kramer on February 08, 2022 in Car Accidents

You need a clear view of the road and the traffic around you to safely operate a car, especially when you are making a turn or pulling onto a busy roadway. Unfortunately, there are many types of obstructions that could block your line of sight and make it much more difficult to operate your vehicle […]

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How an Airbag Can Injure a Driver During a Harrisburg Collision

Posted on behalf of Schmidt Kramer on February 03, 2022 in Car Accidents

Car crashes have the potential to cause serious or even life-threatening injuries. The body and especially the head are often jostled around quite forcefully during a collision, increasing the likelihood of severe injury. That is why cars have airbags. According to an estimate by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in 2017, frontal airbags […]

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