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Data May Show 17 Percent Decrease in Pedestrian Deaths in Pennsylvania Last Year

pedestrians in crosswalk during dayAs much of the country saw an increase in pedestrian deaths last year, the number of pedestrian deaths declined 17 percent, according to projections from the Governor’s Highway Safety Association (GHSA) in its new report on pedestrian traffic deaths in each state.

Pennsylvania was one of six states that saw double-digit declines in pedestrian deaths, the others were Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Illinois and Mississippi. GHSA projections show 74 pedestrian deaths in 2019 in Pennsylvania, compared to 89 in 2018.

However, the GHSA is projecting there may have been a five percent increase in pedestrian deaths in 2019 for the whole country. That is the GHSA’s conclusion after reviewing pedestrian death statistics for the first half of last year.

The GHSA projects data will show 6,590 pedestrians died last year compared to 6,227 in 2018. The projected number of deaths for 2019 would be the highest number in over three decades.

Unfortunately, this continues a trend of increasing pedestrian deaths over the last 10 years. There has been a 50 percent increase in pedestrian deaths in that time, according to the GHSA’s executive director.

The GHSA is also projecting approximately 17 percent of those killed in traffic accidents in 2019 were pedestrians. Just 12 percent of those killed in traffic accidents in 2009 were pedestrians.

This is particularly alarming when you consider traffic deaths not involving pedestrians have increased by just two percent in the past 10 years. In fact, the number of traffic deaths in 2019 may be 3.4 percent lower than the first half of 2018, according to the GHSA data.

Risk Factors for Pedestrian Accidents, Deaths

The vast majority of pedestrian deaths happen on local roads in the nighttime, outside of intersections. The number of pedestrian deaths that occurred at night went up 67 percent over the last decade.

The GHSA report says there is a need for safer road crossings and other interventions to help make pedestrians more visible.

Approximately half of pedestrian deaths in 2018 occurred in accidents that involved speeding, alcohol impairment, distracted driving and drowsy driving.

Even though most pedestrians are killed by passenger cars, the increase in deaths involving SUVs happened at a much faster rate than that of passenger cars.

Injured in a Pedestrian Accident?

Call Schmidt Kramer today to schedule a free legal consultation with a licensed attorney. There is no cost for an initial consultation, and you will not be billed for our services unless we recover compensation.

Our Harrisburg car accident attorneys have recovered compensation for numerous accident victims and have the resources to fully investigate your accident, if we find you have a case.

Our phone lines are open 24/7: (717) 888-8888. We can also be reached by filling out our online contact form.