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Defensive Driving Tips That Can Reduce the Risk of a Harrisburg Crash

Some drivers may think that car accidents only happen due to other people, but it only takes one reckless driver to prove that theory wrong. With so many unpredictable situations you could encounter from other drivers, learning these defensive-driving tactics can reduce your risk of being involved in a car accident.

If you were injured in a car crash due to someone else’s negligence, we encourage you to seek legal help right away.

At Schmidt Kramer, our knowledgeable Harrisburg car accident attorneys help injured victims every day, something we have been doing for many years. Our legal team is deeply committed to helping our clients obtain the full and fair compensation they deserve.

Call 717-727-2500 for a free case review today.

How Does Defensive Driving Save Lives?

A woman looking at the rear view mirror.

Defensive driving saves lives by creating layers of protection against numerous road hazards through anticipation, proper vehicle handling and strategic decision-making. This proactive approach to driving significantly reduces the risk of fatal accidents in several ways.

  • Anticipating Dangerous Situations: Continuously scan the road and areas around you to help you identify potential hazards more quickly and before they become an immediate threat.
  • Maintaining Safe Following Distances: Adhering to the 3-second rule (expanded to 4 seconds or more in adverse conditions) gives you more time to react to sudden stops or emergencies. Often that distance is the difference between being able to stop or not.
  • Eliminating Distractions: Avoid texting, constantly changing the radio station and looking back at passengers in backseats.
  • Managing Speed Appropriately: Defensive drivers adjust their speed to posted limits and actual conditions. The reason this is so critical is that your risk of sustaining a fatal injury in a crash significantly increases every 1o mph.
  • Preparing for Others’ Mistakes: A core defensive driving principle is keeping top of mind that other drivers will make errors. This mindset creates a psychological readiness that reduces surprise and panic reactions.
  • Maintaining Vehicle Control: Defensive driving techniques include proper steering methods, braking strategies, and skid recovery, all critical in emergencies.
  • Driving Sober: If drivers are under the influence of alcohol, drugs or prescription medication, they cannot make sound decisions when they are driving.
  • Preventing Chain Reaction Crashes: Defensive driving techniques help prevent secondary or chain reaction collisions that often cause severe injuries.

Defensive Driving Techniques I Should Know About

Defensive driving is all about being proactive and prepared to handle potential hazards on the road. Here are some key techniques to help you stay safe:

  • Adjust for Weather Conditions: Slow down and increase your following distance in adverse weather conditions like rain, fog or snow. These conditions can significantly impact your ability to maintain control of your vehicle.
  • Avoid Aggressive Driving: Stay calm and patient, even if other drivers are aggressive. Do not engage with an aggressive driver, as it could escalate to more serious behavior, including road rage.
  • Use Your Lights Properly: Ensure your headlights, brake lights and turn signals are working correctly and use them to communicate with other drivers.
  • Follow Traffic Rules: Obey speed limits, traffic signals and road signs. These rules are designed to keep everyone safe.
  • Plan Your Route: Know your destination and plan your route. This reduces the need for sudden lane changes or last-minute decisions.
  • Take Breaks on Long Trips: If you drive for an extended period, take regular breaks to rest and stay alert.

How to Stay Calm and Alert While Driving in Busy Traffic

Staying calm and alert while driving in busy traffic can help you pay attention to road hazards. Driving defensively in busy traffic can be overwhelming, but learning these skills can help avoid collisions.

Preparation Before Driving

Prepare before you start driving. Leave 10 to 15 minutes early to reduce the time pressure that can cause you to rush through traffic. Check traffic apps to prepare yourself mentally for congestion. Adjust your seat, mirrors and climate controls before you start driving. Set your radio, playlist or podcast before you start driving.

Prevent Fatigue During Long Commutes

Prepare for awareness while driving by avoiding fatigue during long commutes. Adjust your commute timing to avoid peak congestion and take breaks during drives longer than two hours. Some of the ways that you can stay alert during long drives are to:

  • Stay hydrated, but balance fluid intake to avoid urgent bathroom needs
  • Open windows briefly for fresh air when feeling drowsy
  • Avoid heavy meals before driving in traffic, which can cause sluggishness

Manage Traffic Challenges

Different traffic situations demand distinct approaches to maintaining your calm and safety. In stop-and-go traffic, focus on gradual movements while maintaining extra space. This creates a buffer that absorbs stop-and-go traffic and potential chain reaction car accidents. Look far ahead to anticipate slowing down further, reducing the need for sudden braking.

When facing highway congestion or aggressive drivers, maintain your composure by accepting the shared experience. Watch for spaces opening rather than focusing on blockages.

Allow aggressive drivers to pass safely rather than engage with them, and resist any temptation to “teach them a lesson.” Remember that their behavior reflects their issues, not yours, and your priority remains arriving safely regardless of others’ driving choices.

Call Schmidt Kramer if You Have Been Involved in a Harrisburg Collision

We cannot control drivers around us, but we can control our behavior and drive more safely by staying attentive and proactive. Despite our best efforts, an accident can still occur, especially when sharing the road with distracted, impaired or aggressive drivers who make unpredictable decisions, leaving little time to react.

If you were injured in a Harrisburg car crash due to someone else’s negligence, it is important that you seek legal help right away. Get answers to your questions and learn if you have legal options. We offer a completely free consultation to discuss your situation. Our experienced attorneys will evaluate your case, explain the legal process and help you make informed decisions about your next steps.

No Upfront Fees. Call today: 717-727-2500.