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Reasons Why Your Car Crash Settlement May be Delayed

laid up on couch with broken legWhen you file a car insurance claim, you would like a settlement sooner rather than later. You may need money to pay for mounting medical expenses and other bills you are struggling to pay because you have missed work and lost income.

Unfortunately, it can take several months or more for your attorney to reach a favorable settlement. While crash victims are often tempted to take the first offer from the insurance company because they need money, waiting is the better move in the long run. If you settle too quickly, you may use up the money and still have medical bills and other expenses to pay.

If you are concerned about whether the process is being delayed, it is important to discuss things with your attorney. He or she should be able to provide a detailed update and address any issues.

Sometimes there are legitimate reasons for a delay in reaching a settlement, but other times the insurance company is playing hardball. We discuss this issue in greater detail below.

Schmidt Kramer’s licensed attorneys have secured more than $100 million in compensation on behalf of injury victims, many of whom were injured in motor vehicle accidents. We are dedicated to our clients’ best interests and being available to answer your questions throughout the legal process.

Is Your Claim Being Delayed?

Often, injury victims think their claims are being delayed when that may not be the case. If you have a severe injury, it is likely going to take a long time for you to reach maximum medical improvement. This is the point at which the injury has either healed or is unlikely to get much better, even with continued treatment.

At Schmidt Kramer, we typically wait for victims to reach maximum medical improvement before pushing for a settlement. At this point, we have a much better idea of the cost of continued treatment of the injury and other damages.

One thing to keep in mind is this: the more severe the injury, the longer it is likely to take to reach a settlement of your claim. If you are struggling to pay medical bills or other bills, this is something you can discuss with the attorneys at Schmidt Kramer.

Another factor to consider is that some people respond differently to treatment. While treatment may work more quickly for some, it may take longer to work for others. If your treatment takes longer to produce results, your claim may take longer. However, you should not think of this as a delay. Your top priority throughout this process should be to make the best recovery possible.

Factors That May Delay a Settlement

While there are valid reasons some claims take longer than others, sometimes claims could be resolved sooner if not for the insurance company. For example, insurance companies routinely claim victims are at fault for their injuries. They make these claims even when it would be nearly impossible for the victim to be at fault in any way.

The insurance company is hoping to delay the process so the victim becomes desperate and may be more likely to accept a lowball offer or simply give up.

Insurance companies are also trying to run out the clock on the statute of limitations, which is two years in Pennsylvania. That means if your lawyer does not file a lawsuit within two years of the crash, the case is likely to be dismissed in court.

If the insurance company cannot get you to agree to a lowball offer, they want you to have as little time as possible to file a lawsuit.

Insurance companies take a variety of other steps to make the process take longer than it needs to. For example, they may wait for days or weeks to respond to phone calls or emails. They may also claim they did not receive something and ask you to resubmit it. They may ask you to complete a lot of unnecessary paperwork.

One thing that car crash victims do not realize is that much of the profits that insurance companies make is from interest on savings. The longer they hang onto their money, the higher their profits.

When you consider the insurance company’s goals when you file a claim, it is vital to have experienced legal representation. You need an attorney with courtroom experience who will be prepared to file a lawsuit before the statute of limitations runs out.

Need Assistance After a Car Crash? Call Schmidt Kramer Today

Our experienced Harrisburg-based auto accident lawyers understand what crash victims are often going through. We have helped many victims file claims and recover compensation to help them move forward with their lives. While many claims settle, we regularly go to court to pursue full compensation for our clients.

An initial consultation is free of charge and comes with no obligation to take legal action. Put another way, there is no risk in contacting us to see how we can assist you.

Schmidt Kramer. Licensed. Local. Lawyers. Call (717) 727-2089.