Posted on Nov 30, 2012
On November 9, 2012, Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett announced the launch of the Yellow Dot and the Emergency Contact Information programs. These programs, implemented by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), will help emergency responders to provide better treatment for accident victims. The following is an overview of the programs:
The Yellow Dot program helps participants injured in a motor vehicle accident who cannot communicate their medical needs or medical history to emergency responders. To enroll, participants fill out a form with emergency contact, medical contact and medical information and place it in a special envelope in their glove box. In addition, they place a yellow sticker in their rear windshield. In the event of a crash, the yellow sticker alerts police and emergency medical service personnel to look for the envelope.
The Emergency Contact Information program provides law enforcement with the contact information they need to notify family members or friends when a serious motor vehicle accident or other emergency occurs. Anyone with a Pennsylvania Driver’s License or PennDOT identification card can enter two emergency contacts into a secure database. Law enforcement personnel will use the information when needed—it is not available to anyone else. Participants can update the information as often as necessary to keep it current.
Of the programs, Governor Corbett stated, “I sincerely hope that people never have to use these programs once they’re signed up, but I’m pleased that Pennsylvania now has these tools available to help people when they’re in dire need.”
If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident due to the carelessness or negligence of another driver, contact a Harrisburg car crash attorney at Schmidt Kramer. Call (717) 888-8888 for a free consultation. You may also download a free copy of the book Who Pays the Bills When You Are Injured in an Automobile Accident? for more information.