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How Can Pedestrians Seek Compensation After a Hit-and-Run in Harrisburg?

pedestrian signal on utility poleWe all know hit-and-run accidents happen, but would you know what to do if it happened to you? What if you were a pedestrian at the time? Would you know how to seek compensation?

Below, our Harrisburg car accident lawyers explain what pedestrians should do after a hit-and-run collision, including how to seek compensation.

If you or a loved one has been a victim of a hit-and-run, Schmidt Kramer may be able to secure compensation. We have recovered millions of dollars for our clients after suffering some of the most traumatic auto-related injuries. If we take your case, there are no upfront fees to help you navigate the legal and insurance process.

Millions recovered. Free initial consultation. Call: (717) 727-2550.

Steps To Take Immediately After a Hit-and-Run Pedestrian Accident

In the immediate aftermath of a hit-and-run accident, taking the following steps can protect your health and your rights to compensation:

Try to Get a Look at the Fleeing Vehicle and Driver

This is often not possible, as the pedestrian is too seriously injured to think about anything but the pain they are feeling. However, any information you can collect can help the police find the driver, including:

  • Make and model of the vehicle
  • Color of the vehicle
  • License plate number
  • Identifying features of the driver (male or female, hair style, etc.)

Move to a Safe Place

When possible, try to get out of the road and away from the flow of traffic. You want to avoid putting yourself at risk of another collision with a motor vehicle.

Call 9-1-1

Report the accident to the police, along with any information about the driver or the car. The police may be able to locate the at-fault driver, holding him or her criminally accountable. This will also allow your lawyer to pursue legal action, if necessary.

Document the Scene

If possible, take pictures of the scene of the accident and any visible injuries. There may be rare circumstances where victims can photograph or record the fleeing vehicle.

If any witnesses come by to help you, make sure to obtain their contact information. You can give this information to your lawyer, as it should help him or her build a case.

Eyewitnesses may be able to confirm what happened. For example, a witness may have watched you go into a crosswalk with the right of way and get hit by a driver who failed to yield.

Seek Medical Attention

You should never underestimate the injuries suffered in a pedestrian collision. You should seek treatment right after you leave the scene. Delaying treatment could raise the risk of long-term problems. For instance, a torn ligament in your leg can become extremely painful and debilitating if left untreated or not treated promptly, affecting your gait and range of motion.

Filing a Compensation Claim After a Pedestrian Hit-and-Run Crash

One of the advantages of living in Pennsylvania is we are a no-fault state. You can seek compensation for medical care from your own insurance policy, regardless of fault for the collision. This applies whether the driver flees or remains at the scene.

You can use your personal injury protection (PIP) coverage even though you were not in your car at the time of the collision. If you do not have car insurance, you can seek compensation from the PIP coverage in a family member’s policy.

If you do not have any insurance coverage to fall back on, you could seek compensation from the at-fault driver’s liability coverage if the police can locate the driver. In Pennsylvania, drivers are generally required to have at least $15,000 in coverage per person and $30,000 per accident.

However, the at-fault driver may have fled because he or she lacks insurance coverage, even though the state requires liability coverage.

Pursuing compensation after a pedestrian hit-and-run crash can be complicated, which is why many victims work with an experienced lawyer. The attorneys at our firm have extensive knowledge of insurance coverage and how to obtain the coverage you need for your injuries and damages. Allowing an attorney to manage the situation can make things a lot easier for you.

What About Criminal Charges for the Hit-and-Run Driver?

If a driver is involved in a crash, he or she is required to remain at the scene to exchange contact information.

Leaving the scene of a car accident is a criminal offense; perpetrators could even face prison time. However, criminal charges against the at-fault driver do not help you cover your medical costs and other damages. That is why you should contact an experienced lawyer to discuss options for seeking compensation.

Were You Hit by a Car? Call Schmidt Kramer

If you or a loved one has been injured in a hit-and-run accident, call the experienced attorneys at Schmidt Kramer. Our team has decades of experience and a proven track record of securing millions of dollars for our clients.

We offer dedicated legal representation with no upfront costs.

Schedule your no-obligation consultation today: (717) 727-2550.