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Q: Can I receive Harrisburg Social Security disability for seizures—even if they aren’t considered convulsive or non-convulsive?

The Social Security Administration follows a set of requirements when deciding who is eligible to receive Harrisburg Social Security disability because of seizures. Typically, those who suffer from convulsive or non-convulsive epilepsy are considered to receive the help, so long as they also meet a few other items. However, you may be able to qualify under different guidelines, known as Medical-Vocational Guidelines.

Medical-Vocational Guidelines

You suffer from seizures, but they aren’t considered to be convulsive or non-convulsive. Instead, you may have a grand mal seizure every other month. You may be able to receive the assistance if you fall under the Medical-Vocational Guidelines, which means that the symptoms of your epilepsy interfere with your daily activities to the extent that no jobs are available that you could consistently perform.

Factors That Are Considered

When deciding if you meet the eligibility requirements for disability benefits, the claims examiner will take a variety of different factors into consideration. For instance, along with analyzing your medical condition and symptoms, he will also take into account your age, your level of education, your transferable work skills, any other conditions that may affect your ability to work, and any restrictions your doctor has given you.

Sometimes Social Security decisions are not fair. If you have been denied, have questions or need help, contact a Harrisburg Social Security disability lawyer from Schmidt Kramer. We have helped many people in situations like yours get the assistance they need.

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