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Do You Need Immediate Medical Care After a Harrisburg Car Crash?

If you have been involved in a car accident, it is vital that you prioritize your health. Prompt medical attention protects your well-being and strengthens potential claims you may later file.

Schmidt Kramer has been helping car crash victims in Pennsylvania for over decades. Our Harrisburg car accident lawyers are ready to help you fight for your rights and secure favorable compensation.

We do not charge any upfront costs or fees.

Call 717-510-1770 to speak to one of our attorneys.

What Are the Signs I Need Immediate Medical Attention?

Patient getting out of bed with the doctor's help.Even if you feel fine after the crash, it is crucial to watch for any signs of an injury. Not all injuries will be visible. Many severe or life-threatening injuries are internal, such as a brain bleed or punctured lung. Some symptoms related to these and other serious injuries may not appear until hours or days later. Seeking immediate medical attention for diagnostic testing and a physical examination will not only give you peace of mind, but it will also prevent any internal injuries from worsening. Time is often critical when it comes to certain head injuries, internal bleeding and other internal injuries.

Physical Symptoms That May Indicate Something is Wrong

Aside from being involved in a crash, certain physical signs may also indicate you need immediate medical attention, such as:

  • Pain, swelling or bruising anywhere on your body
  • Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
  • Dizziness, nausea or blurred vision
  • Headaches or ringing in the ear
  • Numbness or tingling in your limbs
  • Cuts, lacerations or abnormal bleeding

These symptoms could be alerting you of serious injuries like traumatic brain injuries, internal bleeding or broken bones. If you experience any of these symptoms, seek emergency medical care immediately.

How Soon Should I Go See a Doctor After a Car Crash?

After a crash, you should get a medical evaluation right away, even if you do not feel hurt. There are two vital reasons for this.

Waiting to Seek Medical Care Could Put Your Health – or Your Life – at Risk

Some injuries take time to manifest, such as with internal bleeding. By the time you feel symptoms, you could be in a life-threatening situation. Getting to the ER right away is the best way to protect your health, diagnose and treat injuries early.

Waiting to Seek Medical Care Could Damage Your Injury Claim

If you wait to get medical care after a crash, you are making room for the at-fault driver’s insurance company to dispute your claim. They may say you were not injured as badly as you say or you would have sought medical help right away. They may also try to claim that your injuries happened elsewhere and were not caused by the accident.

Seeking immediate medical attention creates a new entry in your medical records. This documentation helps to link your injuries to the crash that caused them.

Where Should I Go for Medical Treatment?

There are a few options for where you could seek medical care after a car accident in Harrisburg:

Emergency Room

If you have severe, life-threatening injuries, the best choice is to go to the nearest emergency room right away. The ER is open 24/7 and has the staff and equipment to handle traumatic injuries and provide immediate, intensive treatment.

Urgent Care Clinic

For less serious but still concerning symptoms, an urgent care clinic is a good alternative to the ER. Urgent care centers can evaluate, diagnose, and treat a wide range of injuries and conditions. However, if your problem turns out to be serious, they may not always be equipped to treat you quickly enough. Additionally, all urgent care centers do not have radiology or other diagnostic equipment on hand – or the staff to use them.

Primary Care Provider

If your injuries are minor, you could make an appointment with your regular doctor. However, most of the time they will likely tell you they cannot treat you. Primary care physicians do not have the equipment or specialty training to discover or treat car crash injuries. Once you are initially seen at an ER facility, however they can monitor your recovery as part of your follow-up care.


Depending on the severity of your injuries, you may need to see a specialty care, such as from an orthopedic surgeon, for more targeted treatment. For example, if you injured your foot during a car crash, it would be best to see a podiatrist who specializes in caring for your feet and ankles.

Keep in mind that you can get evaluated by a doctor who specializes in treating auto accident victims. They will know how to properly document your injuries and ensure you get the care you need.

Why Do Car Crash Victims Avoid Seeking Medical Attention?

Despite the importance of seeking prompt medical care, many car accident victims put off seeing a doctor. Some common reasons may include:

  • Lack of Noticeable Injuries: People mistakenly think they are fine if they do not see visible injuries or feel any symptoms. Therefore, they do not seek medical attention.
  • Concerns About Costs: Car accident-related medical bills can add up quickly, and many people worry about the financial burden. However, delaying treatment can ultimately lead to higher costs later. It is also worth mentioning that the at-fault party’s insurance will be liable for your damages, including your related medical costs.
  • Distrust of the Legal System: Some people are hesitant to document their injuries, fearing it could negatively impact a potential legal case. In reality, medical documentation is crucial for recovering compensation.
  • Busy Schedules: The aftermath of a car crash is stressful, and people may feel they do not have time to see a doctor with their work schedule or other activities. However, your health and well-being should be your top priority.
  • Enduring Painful Injuries: Some accident victims try to “tough it out” and do not want to be perceived as weak or exaggerating their injuries. This can backfire, however, making it harder to prove the extent of your suffering.

Whatever your reasons for avoiding medical care, prioritizing your health is essential. Seeing a doctor promptly and following through with treatment protects your physical and financial well-being after a Harrisburg car crash.

Call Schmidt Kramer for Legal Assistance After a Car Crash

After a car crash, it can be overwhelming to take care of your health during the process of a legal claim, but this is not something you should have to go through alone. Our experienced Harrisburg car accident lawyers are prepared to help you recover full compensation for your medical costs, lost wages and other losses.

Schmidt Kramer’s licensed lawyers have more than 30 years of legal experience and have recovered more than $100 million for our clients.

If you have been involved in a car crash in Harrisburg, the experienced car accident lawyers at Schmidt Kramer are here to help. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your potential legal options.

Call us to get answers to your legal questions: 717-727-2089.