If you are receiving Social Security disability benefits in Pennsylvania, it is possible to work while still receiving those benefits. It’s best to speak first with a Social Security attorney; Harrisburg lawyers at Schmidt Kramer can help.
The most important thing is to stay in touch with the Social Security office if and when things change. Things you should let them know about include starting or stopping work, your duties/hours/change in pay, or if you start paying expenses for work due to your disability. You can report these changes by phone, mail, or in person.
Social Security is very fair when it comes to letting you work, and they will not cut you off right away. You will be given a trial period of at least nine months in which you can test your ability to work. Many people want to get back to work, but after a while, realize they have grossly underestimated their disability—this trial period allows for that realization to occur without negatively affecting
After that trial period ends, you still have 36 months (3 years) during which you can still work and receive benefits if, for any month, your earnings are not considered “substantial.” Once those 3 years are up, and your earnings are substantial, you can still ask for benefits to start up immediately if you find yourself unable to work again in the next five years. The best part is that you will not have to file a new disability application, and you don’t have to wait for benefits to start again.
If you are having issues with your Social Security, or you’ve been denied benefits, it’s time to contact an experienced Social Security lawyer. Camp Hill, Harrisburg, and other residents of Central Pennsylvania often turn to the attorneys at Schmidt Kramer. Call today for a free consultation at (717) 888-8888.