Stryker Rejuvenate® Hip Stem and ABG II® Modular Hip Stem devices used in hip replacements are alleged to have caused serious side effects and in some cases required painful, invasive revision surgery due to early failure of mechanical components.
Symptoms and indicators of device failure include:
- Pain
- Swelling
- Feeling of “loose” or “popping” hip
- Reduced mobility
- Body tissue damage, including shavings and shards from the device becoming embedding in tissue
- Tumors
- Metallosis (abnormal blood tests showing release of toxic metals into the bloodstream)
- Osteolysis (bone inflammation or dissolution, particles from the device becoming embedded in bone, loss of calcium and bone matrix structure)
- Necrosis (tissue death)
- Required “revision” surgery
For more information on the Stryker voluntary recall, see this information on the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) website: https://www.fda.gov/home.
The recall was a result of the following concerns with the devices:
- Corrosion
- “Fretting” (surface erosion or pitting and release of chromium, cobalt and/or titanium metal dust or particles)
Warning notices were sent to doctors and hospitals, but it is possible that patients with these defective, recalled implants are not aware they have them. To determine the brand name of your hip replacement device, please contact your physician immediately.
If you or someone you know have received a Stryker Rejuvenate® or ABG II® devices, please contact the Schmidt Kramer Hip Injury investigative team immediately. You may be entitled to compensation for your pain and suffering.
For a free review of your claim, call (717) 888-8888 or fill out an online contact form.