1712 Results found.
See How To Avoid Having Your Identify Stolen – Dangers of Public Wi-Fi
ID Theft is becoming more and more of a problem. The Consumer Federation of America has tips on how you can minimize the risk of ID theft. Click on the link below for a video on what can happen if your ID is stolen and how you can reduce the chances of it being […]
Read MoreAttn: Pennsylvania Farmers – Read How To Drive Safely On Pa. Roads
In addition to providing tips ofr drivers who operate vehicles on Pennsylvania rural roads, the Pennsylvania Farm Bureau wants farmers who operate machinery on the roads to be safe. Farmers have a role in rural road safety too. Here are some tips to alleviate some hazards when taking wide equipment onto the road: *Pennsylvania law […]
Read MoreSee the Facts Clearly: Alcohol Seriously Impairs a Driver’s Vision
Alcohol affects the human body in many different ways, none of which are helpful when it comes to safely operating a motor vehicle. However, one impairment people grossly underestimate is the effect alcohol has on an individual’s ability to see clearly. In fact, researchers in Canada recently found that our vision can be impaired by […]
Read MoreDealing with a Nurse Case Manager in Your Workers’ Compensation Case
What is a Nurse Case Manager/Rehab Nurse? If you’ve been on workers’ compensation, either getting medical benefits, wage loss benefits, or both, you may have had some dealings with a nurse case manager. A frequent question we hear is: “What is the nurse case manager there to do?”. The answer is simple; the nurse case […]
Read MoreWounded Warriors Receive Expedited Processing of Their Disability Applications
Were you injured while serving our country? Social Security provides disability benefits for Wounded Warriors. In fact, military service members who become disabled while on active military duty on or after October 1, 2001, are able to receive expedited processing of their disability claim. These benefits are different than those from the Department of Veterans […]
Read MoreSee Why Fracking Is Leading To Pa. Car Accidents And Deaths
Posted on May 06, 2014 An Associated Press analysis of traffic deaths and U.S. census data in six drilling states, including Pennsylvania, shows that in some places, fatalities have more than quadrupled since 2004 — a period when most American roads have become much safer even as the population has grown. The average rate of deaths […]
Read MoreRepetitive Motion Injuries Dominate Workers’ Comp Claims in Pennsylvania
There’s a misconception that most on-the-job injuries are sudden and traumatic. The reality? Many injuries form slowly over time, like repetitive motion injuries. In fact, repetitive motion injuries are among the most common injuries in the entire country. These can happen from overuse from someone doing the same motions, or sitting/standing in the same position […]
Read MorePa. Truck Accident In Mt. Carmel Investigated For Bad Brakes
Posted on Apr 28, 2014 Police are investigating if the brakes failed on a tractor-trailer entering the borough from the Merriam Mountain before it crashed into a four-door sedan Sunday, April 27, 2014, at Sixth and Hickory streets. A Mitsubishi Galant driven by Paul Radzai of Mount Carmel, was struck on its passenger side as it […]
Read MoreFact or Myth? Hands-Free Equals Safety on the Road
You know texting while driving is both dangerous and illegal in Pennsylvania, but does it count if you’re using a hands-free device with voice commands? Surely that’s much safer, right? After all, why else would there be a push for such devices? Yes, hands-free devices and voice command options were initially considered to be much […]
Read MoreWhat to Expect in Routine Reviews of Your Social Security Disability
Just because you are finally getting your disability paycheck from the PA Social Security office doesn’t necessarily mean you can breathe easy. While many people are able to continue using SSD benefits for the rest of their lives, others must give up benefits due to a change in their medical or work conditions. Every person’s […]
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