1712 Results found.
What to Know When Your Employer Files a Petition to Suspend
What does a Petition to Suspend mean? If your employer has filed a petition to suspend your workers’ comp benefits, you are likely worried and confused. The reason a Petition to Suspend has been filed is because the insurance company no longer wants to pay disability benefits. There are multiple bases upon which an employer […]
Read MoreHow to Recognize a Drunk or Drugged Driver on the Road
It’s a trick question—an intoxicated driver looks like any other driver on the road. Drivers who are impaired by drugs or alcohol cover the entire ranges of race, age, gender, and social status. Sure, statistics show that younger male drivers—in their teens and twenties—are more likely than other segments of the driving public to be […]
Read MoreSee Suit Filed Against Harrisburg Day Care After Sexual Assault
Posted on Feb 25, 2014 Below is the report by WHP-TV 21 last night on a lawsuit filed by our firm to protect the rights of an injured girl. A local mother says her four-year-old daughter was sexually assaulted at a daycare by another child. That woman has filed a lawsuit saying the KinderCare Learning […]
Read MoreCentral Pa. Mother Brings Lawsuit After Daughter Abused At Daycare
Posted on Feb 24, 2014 As reported by pennlive.com’s Matt Miller on February 21, 2014, a Harrisburg-area mother who claims her pre-school daughter was sexually abused by another child filed a lawsuit Friday against one of the nation’s largest for-profit child care and early education providers. In the complaint lodged in Philadelphia County Court, the mother […]
Read MoreSuing Outside Workers’ Comp for a Work Fall Injury
Three Views of Workplace Falls A reference librarian needs a book from the top shelf of the west archives. She doesn’t notice that the rubber tread of the ladder is coming loose at one end. As she reaches for the book, the tread gives away, and she tumbles to the marble floor, knocking the ladder […]
Read MoreSee Why You Should Consider Purchasing Travel Insurance
Posted on Feb 21, 2014 According to the Insurance Information Institute (I.I.I.) to decide if you need travel insurance, the I.I.I. recommends asking these key questions: If I cancelled my travel plans, would I lose the financial value of the trip? Could weather delays or related events result in missing out on all or part […]
Read MoreFalls From a Height at Work: Ladder, Lift, and Scaffold Safety
In almost every workplace, employees are at risk for a fall from a height. Sometimes the risk is limited to when an office worker climbs on a step stool to replace a light bulb or climbs a ladder to retrieve a box from a storage shelf. For other occupations—such as construction work—working high above the […]
Read MoreHow to Get Full Medical Bill Coverage From the Insurance Company
In the aftermath of a Pennsylvania car accident, you are forced to deal with the conflicting agendas of many different people. The hospital, your doctors, and your pharmacist all want to be paid their fees in a timely manner. Your health insurance company doesn’t want to spend more money than it’s required to. And, under […]
Read MoreYour Arthritis Type May Determine Whether You Collect SSDI Benefits
Arthritis is a chronic joint and bone condition characterized by joint inflammation, distortion of the bones in the joint, stiffness, and pain that ranges from nagging discomfort to agonizing acute pain. Right now, estimates say about 50 million Americans have been diagnosed with some type of arthritis, and that number is expected to rise as […]
Read MoreHow to Proceed When Your SSDI Claim for Arthritis Has Been Denied
When you apply for Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) benefits, a caseworker first checks your claim to make sure you meet the standards for employment income (currently capped at a little more than $1,000 a month) and for a work history extensive enough for eligibility. Then your file is passed on to the Pennsylvania Bureau […]
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