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Zoning Out Behind the Wheel and How It Could Cause a Crash

Zoning out behind the wheel is a trance-like state that could happen to any driver on the road. People may commonly relate this state to driving at night. Yet, as surprising as it may sound, highway hypnosis can occur even when you are driving during normal daytime hours. So what exactly is this phenomenon, what […]

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PA Appellate Court Set to Review Sexual Abuse Exception to Sovereign Immunity For the First Time

A decision by Judge Daniel Anders of the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas has set us on a course for an appellate review of the sexual abuse exception to sovereign immunity. This would be the first time an appellate court has reviewed whether sovereign immunity can protect a state agency from liability for sexual abuse. […]

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What is the Difference Between a Personal Injury Claim and a Lawsuit in Pennsylvania?

If you suffered a personal injury due to negligence, you may be eligible to seek compensation. If you have a case, do you know what legal process to use? Should you file an injury claim or a lawsuit in Pennsylvania? What is the difference between the two? Schmidt Kramer discusses the difference between an injury […]

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How Emotional Driving Greatly Increases the Risk of a Pennsylvania Crash

Getting behind the wheel while you are feeling angry or upset is a bad idea. More than that, it is a dangerous distraction because it takes your focus off the road. In fact, multiple studies show that emotional driving greatly increases the risk of a crash. Schmidt Kramer discusses the intense emotions drivers may experience […]

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Crush Injuries After a Car Crash and Why They Are So Dangerous

Crush injuries from a car crash are very common and can occur even in a seemingly minor collision. At first, victims may have no idea their injuries are severe. This is especially true if the damaged area involves a smaller body part, like a hand or leg. Complications from a crush injury, however, are extremely […]

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Broken Ribs From a Car Crash – What You Need to Know

Broken ribs from a car crash are very common, but since there may not be visual evidence of an injury, some victims may think the pain is normal muscle soreness. Rib fractures, however, can quickly lead to life-threatening complications if not diagnosed and treated. Below, Schmidt Kramer talks more about broken rib injuries and the […]

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What If I Refuse Light-Duty Work While Getting Workers’ Compensation?

If you suffered a work injury, doing your job may be impossible in the early weeks or months of your recovery. However, what if your employer pressures you to return to work sooner and even offers you a job your doctor clears you to do? If you refuse light-duty work, could you lose your benefits […]

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How Overly Cautious Drivers Create a Serious Crash Risk

Many people think being extra careful on the road makes them better drivers. However, what if you have crossed that fine line from driving safely to being too timid, nervous or overly cautious behind the wheel? At Schmidt Kramer, we understand there are valid reasons people may feel nervous or anxious when driving. Today, we […]

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How Children Distract Drivers and Increase the Risk of a Crash

Every parent can relate to the challenges of driving with children in the car. Even the best-behaved kids are bound to have moments when they are cranky, irritated, sick or out of sorts. But children in the back seat can distract drivers, which could quickly lead to a tragic outcome. At Schmidt Kramer, many members […]

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What is My Responsibility as an Injured Worker in Pennsylvania?

After getting hurt on the job, trying to figure out how to file a workers’ comp claim is the last thing anyone wants to do. In that scenario, all anyone wants is to get the medical care they need as quickly as possible. This is why taking time to review and understand your responsibilities in […]

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