1712 Results found.
Lawyer Sanctioned $1 Million For Eliciting Banned Testimony!
Posted on Feb 06, 2015 Was it proper for a Philadelphia judge to sanction a lawyer $1 Million for eliciting banned testimony during a Pennsylvania medical negligence case? Yahoo News is reporting about the case as follows: The judge who lodged a nearly $1 million fine against a Philadelphia-area lawyer believes she intentionally elicited banned […]
Read MoreJack Frost’s Driving School: Winter Musts for a Safe Season
While spring may not be far off on the calendar, native Pennsylvanians know that snow can continue long into what is technically considered spring. No matter how many years you have proven your winter driving skills, it is never a bad plan to refresh your memory and double-check to ensure that you and your car […]
Read MoreRead Pa. Ins. Dept. Tips For Winter Storm Damage Claims!
Posted on Feb 03, 2015 Another Monday and another winter snow storm in Pennsylvania and the Eastern United States. As the Winter goes on, more and more people will be seeking coverage for damages claims after losses from the storms. The Pennsylvania Insurance Department has provided the following advice and tips about homeowner’s and auto insurance policies. […]
Read MoreBig Win for Pennsylvania PTSD Workers’ Compensation Case
In April 2008, a masked man robbed a liquor store at gunpoint, threatening the working employees and tying them to a chair. Understandably shaken, one of the employees—Gregory Kochanowicz, a 30-year veteran of the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board—filed a workers’ compensation claim, saying that the incident left him with diagnosed post-traumatic stress disorder. After the […]
Read MoreOuch! What Causes Were Behind the Most Common Workplace Injuries?
From slip-and-fall injuries to carpal tunnel syndrome, there are probably millions of ways to get injured at work. People that engage in any type of work, whether it is behind a desk or balancing on scaffolding at great heights, are at risk of someday being injured on the job. What Leads to These Injuries? Liberty […]
Read MoreMeet Pennsylvania’s Next Insurance Commissioner
Posted on Jan 22, 2015 The Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner is entrusted with enforcing the insurance laws of Pennsylvania, including protecting consumers and monitoring the financial solvency of Pennsylvania domestic insurance companies. Pennsylvania serves as the lead regulator for an array of insurance companies from small mutuals that trace their history to the 1700s to a […]
Read MoreWhy Was Your Auto Insurance Claim Denied? These Common Missteps Lead to Failed Claims
While the methodology used by insurance companies to determine who gets paid and how much may seem completely random, there is usually some form of rhyme or reason behind many of their decisions. If you have had a friend or family member come to you after a denied claim, you have likely heard how unfair […]
Read MoreThe Role of Substance Abuse in Your Disability Claim: Will it Affect Your Benefits?
Drug and alcohol abuse is tragic for both the individual suffering as well as their families. Watching a person experience the physical and emotional side effects of an addiction is both a sad and helpless time, and over the long term can often end in a slow and painful death. While addiction is widely considered […]
Read MoreHave You Been Injured in a Workplace Chemical Exposure Accident? Let Us Help
Chemicals are present at nearly every workplace, from everyday cleaning supplies to heavy-duty industrial strength chemicals. As science has made massive advancements, new and capable chemicals have been introduced, exposing workers to an increased risk of toxic chemical exposure. Chemical exposure may not have the flashy, easy-to-prove accident scenes that many workers’ compensation lawyers rush […]
Read MoreCar Hits Tree In Carbon County MVA – Kills 1, Injures 1
Posted on Jan 12, 2015 The Hazelton Standard Speaker is reporting about a man who was pronounced dead after a one-vehicle crash in Carbon County yesterday morning that also injured a second person. John Molosky, 68, Beaver Meadows, was dead at the scene while his passenger, Gloria P. Molosky, 67, Beaver Meadows,, was taken to Lehigh […]
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